The Greene Dreher Volunteer Fire Association is an organization of dedicated volunteers that provide protection and emergency response service to the western half of Greene Township, Pike County; all of Dreher Township and the southern portion of Sterling Township in Wayne County, as well as mutual aid response to surrounding areas.
309 Total calls 2024
- Motor Vehicle Accident- 73
- Structure Fire- 14
- Smoke/gas/co2 Investigation- 14
- Vehicle Fire- 4
- Brush Fire- 7
- Assist Mutual Aid/EMS- 45
- Trees/Wires down- 94
- Automatic Alarms- 25
- Controlled Burn- 3
- Pumping Basements- 4
- Fire Police- 17
- Standby at station- 1
- Landing Zone- 5
- Entrapment -1
- Public Service -2
Need 911 address signs- Please see events page